Specify file types to back up

SECURITY  All users with File Protection Desktop installed

When you use File Protection to back up files on your device, you have the option to specify the types of files to be backed up. Files types are defined by the file extension.

The file extensions that are recognized as being of the specified file type are listed below ("*" denotes a wildcard)


Adobe *.pmd; *.pdf; *.pmd; *.indd; *.indt; *.inds; *eps; *.ai
Corel *.cdt; *.qpw; *.shw; *wcm; *.mbf
Hypertext *.htm; *.css; *.html
Microsoft Works *.wps
Microsoft Word *.doc; *.docx; *.dot; *.dotx; *.dotm; *.docm
Microsoft Excel *.xls; *.xlsx; *.xlt; *.xltx; *.xlsb; *.xlr; *.xltm; *.xlsm; *.xlam; *.xla;
Microsoft Visio *.vsd; *.vsx
Microsoft PowerPoint *.ppt; *.pot; *.pps; *.ppa; *.sxi; *.odp; *.pptx; *.pptm; *.ppsx; *.potx; *.ppam; *.ppsm; *.potm; *.thmx
Apple iWork
(Mac Only)
*.numbers; *.pages; *.keynote; *.key
Apple iWork Template
(Mac Only)
*.nmbtemplate; *.template; *.kth
OpenOffice *.sxd; *.sxi; *.sxw; *.smf; *.sxc; *.sdc
QuarkXpress *.qxd; *.qxt
Rich Text *.rtf
Text Files *.txt
Other Document Types  *.csv; *.qpw; *.wks; *.ods; *.wpd; *.odt; *.wps; *.pub; *.xml;
Windows Only *.vcf


Intuit *.q00; *.q01; *.q02; *.q03; *.q04; *.q05; *.q98; *.qba; *.qbb; *.qbi; *.qbw; *.qbx; *.qdb; *.qdf; *.qdt; *.qel; *.qph; *.qif; *.qmd; *.qsd; *.tax
Microsoft Money *.mny
Open Financial Connectivity *.ofc
TaxACT *.ta0; *.ta1; *.ta2; *.ta3; *.ta4; *.ta5; *.ta6; *.ta7; *.ta8; *.ta9
TaxCut *.t03; *.t04; *.t05; *.t06; *.t07; *.t08
Other Financial Files *.acc; *.tdb; *.npc; *.adb; *.eml; *.hcx

Photos and images

Apple *.qts
Canon *.cr2; *crw
Chinon *.cmt
DNG Adobe *.dng
FoxPro *.fpx
GIF *.gif
IMG *.img
Image CD Creator Corel Adaptec *.pcd
JGI *.jgi
JPEG *.jfif; *.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpg2; *.jp2; *.j62
Photoshop *.psd
(Mac Only)
(Mac Only)
Kodak *.k25; *.kdc
Konica *.kqp
Minolta *.mrw
Nikon *.nef
Pentax *.pef
SVG *.svg
TIFF *.tiff; *.tif
Windows Bitmap *.bmp
Other Image Types *.png; *.raf; *.raw; *.xcf; *.ico


ZIP *.zip
RAR *.rar
TAR *.tar


MS Access Databases *.mdb; *.mde; *.mda
MS Works Database *.wdb
Open Office Database *.odb


AAC *.aac
Apple *.m4p
Audio Interchange File *.aifc; *.aiff; *.aif
MIDI *.midi; *.miz; *.rmi
MP3 *.mp3; *.mpa; *.m3u; *m3url
MPEG *.mp1; *.mp2; *.m4a; *.m4b; *.mpga
OGG *.ogg
Quicktime *.ulw
RealNetworks *.rt; *.ra; *.smil
WAV *.wav
Windows Media *.wpl; *.wmx; *.wma; *.wax
Logic Pro
(Mac Only)
(Mac Only)
Other Audio Types *669; *.acp; *.amf; *.apl; *.asx; *.atrac; *.au; *.bwf; *.cda; *.far; *.flac; *.it; *.itz; *.kar; *.mdz; *.mid; *.miz; *.mod; *.mtm; *.nsa; *.nst; *.okt; *.pls; *.rpl; *.rp; *s3m; *.s3z; *.sd2; *.shn; *.snd; *.ssm; *.stz; *.voc; *.ult; *.xpl


3GPP2 *.3g2; *.3gp2; *.3gpp
Ant Movie Catalog *.amc
Apple *.mov; *.m75; *.m4v; *.qt; *.qtl; *.rts; *.rtsp; *.dv
AVI *.avi
Adobe Flash *.fla; *.flv
Macromedia Flash *.swf
MPEG *.m1v; *.m2v; *.m4e; *.mp2v; *.mpv2; *.mp4; *.mpa; *.mpe; *.mpg; *.mpeg
Final Cut Pro
(Mac Only)
(Mac Only)
*.imovielibrary; *.rcproject; *.theater
MS Advanced Streaming Format *.asf
Windows Movie Maker *.mswmm
Windows Media *.wm; *.wmd; *.wmv; *.wmz; *.wvx
Real *.ram; *.rm; *.rv; *.rmvb
Other Video Format *.aam; *.cdaa; *.fli; *.flc; *.ivf; *.mlv; *.nsv; *.sdv; *.vfw